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on a tower, eclipsed

Sometimes I pray for disillusionment

Though illusions may come with a rush

A dissolving of the self

Of reality

Into something fantastical

A balm for the drudgery

The mundane

So we dream

Spinning a story

An acting out

Of the tensions within

A projection

Onto a screen

Or a person

But in truth I want the tower

I crave the crumble back to solid earth

Even if it lands in disappointment

Or the shock

Of a lie, revealed

The subtle slanting of a narrative to make it palatable

To cast a better light

Or a harsh light, elsewhere

If the contrast is flattering

How important lighting is

To shift our perception

/ our mood

So then, what exists in the lurid light of day?

Is this too something we can love?

Can we send ourselves on flights of fancy while still sitting with the imperfection?

How can we trust our own judgment more

Our own body

Our inner knowing?

What can we be sure of  -  at our core  -  when nothing else is sure?

Who are the people in our life that help anchor this reality?   

to hear more

thank you :)

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