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está pariendo una venada

The word boundary is, in a way, problematic. It recalls something definitive, dividing, fixed. Semantics aside, consider that we cannot be made aware of what we do not know without first coming up against our own limits: the limits of our experience, our understanding, our capacity — those moments when the path of least resistance lies in following the resistance to see what we’re resisting — not in order to withstand the shock of our own humanity, but to connect with it, to connect to that which is beyond our control (a large majority of things, I gather).

Once, for each thing, just once, no more.


Knock and the door might open.

Perhaps they desire to be understood.

Perhaps they desire to be seen.

Perhaps they desire to feel safe.

Perhaps they desire to be more than a body or more than a role or more than a name.

Pain and trauma are inherent to this human experience, and each of us falls upon an undulating spectrum of scabbiness at varying points along our timelines, an essential part of the healing proecess that allows space for tender life to regenerate. Isn’t it fitting, then, that the two most loved herbs for heart opening are the thorny ones — Hawthorne and Rose. Hawthorne is a hedge, a boundary marker. It is also said to govern the hinge, helping to discern the right time to open up (Judith Berger). This is a matter of timing, I think. Because scabs should be temporary, not a generational birthright.

Saturn is the wall and Capricorn is everything inside the wall and Aquarius is everything outside.

Pluto, our planetary dealer of death *transformation has recently moved into Aquarius from Capricorn, where it has been since 2008. Both Capricorn and Aquarius are Saturn’s domain, Saturn, who deals in the currency of time. With Capricorn, time has the physicality of something measurable, predetermined, linear. Aquarius, though driven by the same determination and perseverance, brings time into the conceptual realm, a flow to be alined with, no longer contained.

Fire becomes air.

Air becomes water.

Water becomes earth.

Earth becomes fire.

Earth into air is not an easy progression, yet this is where we find ourselves. In essence, they are separate, opposing. They only way to bring them together is to heal them together, to love them together.

Water must become fiery, fire-liquid

Earth must become weightless, air-solid

said the alchemists

What if these walls of Saturn are not walls at all but an intricate system of rings bridging some five dimensional labyrinthian dance asking only our willingness to participate:

to surrender to suspension (of judgment, of belief)

to imbalance and disorientation,

to a canal of contiguous constriction and expansion otherwise known as

b i r t h

Aquarius brings us into a new perspective, a view from the other side. It casts a web of ideas for a better future, very objectively based on what wasn’t working. Some say that spiders project thought and memory into their webs, extending consciousness past their little spider heads and into space.

The Brain is wider than the Sky                                                                              Emily Dickinson

Electrons orbit so very far away from their center

Our influence ripples out

Kindness is contagious

But so are many things

If anything is Aquarian, it’s likely far beyond our animal bodies. As a weaver, I rather like this, not being married to a permanence of form, but to a ritual casting and recasting, telling and retelling, sending the shuttle back and forth — to pull together, connect, and contain.

The staying power is not of this material world, as with Capricorn, but in the intention — a net that shapes itself to the currents. What slips past is not meant to be; what stays adds resonance, multiplying the intention like light through a prism. Catching condensation accumulating into rivers of rain through the cobblestone streets.

In Mexico, some say — está pariendo una venada

a doe is giving birth

where I’m from — the devil is beating his wife

el diablo esta golpeando a su esposa

I think I prefer the former.

How feels a sunshower to you?

* honorary mentions

The witches comb their hair

The groom has eaten unheated food

to hear more

thank you :)

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