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about me

Perhaps this work is a spell. 



Perhaps a spell is a portal, a concentration of attention, a practice of listening, of learning to see the intimacy and connection available in each moment.



Perhaps a portal is a threshold, a point of tension between polarities where, in order to pass, one must surrender to a squeeze — not in passive acceptance but active receiving, a gathering of information for thorough distillation. 



Perhaps a threshold is a boundary, a line, of a circle, a container, a cistern. 



Perhaps boundaries hold the space needed for change, for transformation. 


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Ultimately I seek to align my process with the natural rhythms of the cosmos — to become conscious of time as an intricate choreography of cycles within cycles, a dynamic reality expanding upward and outward in celebration of individuality and difference, always to continually return to our roots, to connect to a collective experience as beings interdependent with all life on earth.  


The containers we exist within are always shifting, as we each inhabit spaces of expansion or contraction, growth or release, and the junctures between, those spaces of suspension which allow for a gentle honing of experience into perspective.  Drawing from the more universal languages of material, gesture, and symbol, as well as the roots of written language, I consider how we might approach the interplay between self and other with this awareness in mind, in hopes that these alchemical minglings may offer solace to the wrestlings of our histories while reaching towards a future, still unknown. 


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